Tuesday, 10 October 2017

The postgraduate studies

So, I studied 2 years of Biochemistry in University of Concepcion before coming here to University of Chile, and I used to  travel to my home at Santiago every now and then. That was 6 hours on the road, and part of those 6 hours I expended on thinking about this: The Postgrade. You know, read about it on the cellphone and dreaming.
Resultado de imagen para universidad de concepcion   Resultado de imagen para universidad de concepcion (University of Concepcion, beautiful place and experience...)

*Before continuing, you must be thinking: “ how can you think about that in a bus when you can sleep or watch the movies at the bus”, but mate, it’s 6 hours!!! And i travelled at least once a month, i had a lot time.*

I’ve always like Neuroscience, indeed, I work at the neuroplasticity and neurogenetics lab. here in the University and i already went to 2 congresses of this topic, so i’m pretty much attached or acquainted to this. Also my dream has to do with making an extended network of multidisciplinary thinkers (the topic of my past blog). It’s a lot of hard work, i know, so here’s the plan:

I’d like to graduate with a Msc. (masters) in Biochemistry here in University of Chile, because you can postulate to it (of course, with good marks and recommendation letters, etc…) and then, one of the hardest part of the dream, study the “Welcome Trust program” at University of Oxford in Neuroscience, which is a Msc. and PhD. program combined,   full-time program of 4 years, in England, all of this with a scholarship (Beca Chile maybe). There, i known that i can grown my potential as a profesional like the many scientist that graduated there. And well, about growning as a person, in this University  it should do just fine.
Resultado de imagen para university of oxford (University of Oxford)

The hard road it’s coming (like Winter on Game of Thrones), but i like it every minute, I’m the kind of person who have a dream for the future but lives the present at it’s fullness. Hope all of you may accomplished your dreams :) . 

Resultado de imagen para universidad de chile casa central (Part of the road of dreaming was to enter at this University too :) )


  1. its a very big dream, i hope you can make it real

  2. I hope you comply all your dreams!

  3. I have no idea you worked at a nerogenetics lab, agh, Im so jelous :( Im sure you'll reach all your goals, this one and more!

  4. So you're already on the way of making that dream possible, hope everything works and you finish doing what you want to do.

  5. I love your dreammm! I wish you much success


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