Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Biochemistry and the new generation of graduates

Well, the curriculum program of my career is new, it just got on course since last year, so we (me and my generation) are the first generation to graduate under this program.

You know I said this over and over again ('till you want to kill me) but i come from another University and one of the reasons because i came here was because of the program that University of Chile has. I really like it from a general view.

Biochemistry in this University has it unique formation on investigation and it has worked really well. On the first years you learn the basics of chemistry and biology and then you go nuts with all this investigation and subcellular courses that sounds really amazing. We even have a Biotechnology course that sounds great, can't wait to have it.

BUT! there are always a but isn't it... The distribution of credits (hours per week on a course) with the complementary course is just… insane, and not on a good way. In the Biochemist program you need to take a minimum of 16 credits of complementary (CFG) courses over all your career. I don’t think that that’s necessary for any career, ever… I mean, I love to learn different stuff as I have a very open mind to humanistic sciences, music… But 16 credits (minimum of 8 CFG through the program) it just crazy.

The faculty has, IN GENERAL, good facilities and they’re getting better on time  but we still need some spaces for the students that hopefully are coming, but I don’t complain. The general laboratories have all we need IN GERENAL and the specific laboratories has the problems that ALL  the laboratories have in Chile… well you about the finance on science and investigation.. ehem

As this is my 3rd year on a university (and 1st on this university), I know a lot of professors, and here they have very good methods of teaching IN GENERAL. Good people too.

The only changes for now it would be the (god damn) credits on the complementary courses and, that the course with more not approved rate can be given on the next semester.

Well that’s all for today. bye :)

1 comment:

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